Manage Your Career

You need to make the best of now, while planning for your future

Tobi works in a bank and was rushing to get to the office, while on the train, half listening to the same old music on her headphones, she tries to avoid her all-too-familiar co-commuters, with their sour faces and bad breath.

Her mind was racing what day of the week it was, was it Wednesday or Thursday? Which meeting is going to fill her morning? She can't remember. The days are blurring into one, as she has no excitement going into work. How did that happen? It really isn't what she planned for herself.

She’s never really planned her career at all; she's just kind of hoped that things will work out for her. She always tries hard to do a good job, but where has it got her?

Tobi has let her career take over and manage her. But she's not too late to take charge again and find her own direction. So, if you're one of the many people who, just like Tobi, longs for change but can't see a way forward, don't despair.

Do you want to find out more on how you can take charge of your career?